
保健品蛋白質-Universal Nutrition, 牛奶和雞蛋香草味1.5磅(682克)

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  • Sustained Release Protein Powder

  • 床的世界髮旺旺
  • Classic Combo of Two Superior Proteins

  • Enriched Protein Blend for Muscle Growth

Who We AreUniversal Nutrition has been providing cutting edge and staple nutritional powders to bodybuilders and hard training athletes the world over since 1977. As time passes, certain ideals never go out of style. Honesty. Integrity. Respect. These are the values we uphold and are the bedrock upon which we built our business.What It IsUniversal's premium Milk & Egg Protein offers you the most advanced, highest quality protein formula available. Designed for serious bodybuilders and competitive athletes, this cutting-edge, low-fat formula gives you high-value protein and essential nutrients – for fueling gains of solid muscle mass. Universal's Milk & Egg Protein is formulated from carefully selected high-quality, premium protein sources (including calcium caseinate, lactalbumin, and egg white albumin). Milk & Egg Protein is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. No other formula gives you so much to optimize your training and performance. Plus Universal's Milk & Egg Protein contributes greatly to the promotion of a positive nitrogen balance within your body. As a great-tasting shake, Universal's Milk & Egg Protein is formulated to be easily-digestible and readily-utilized by your body. To optimize your gains and prevent catabolic effects schedule protein feedings every three hours.How We Back It UpWhat is on the label is in the bottle and what is in the bottle will help you reach your goals.

Universal Nutrition, 牛奶和雞蛋,香草味,1.5磅(682克)








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